
Articles & News


February 2021


Rexel Energy Solutions Named PACE AI National Stocking Partner for Key Accounts

Rexel Energy Solutions (RES) is the leading supplier of energy technology to the ESCO industry, and also to big utility energy efficiency and smart grid programs across North America. RES is part of Paris-based Rexel (EURONEXT:RXL), a global supplier of electrical and energy equipment. All of which is why we are extremely pleased to announce our national stocking partnership with RES on a number of key PACE AI accounts in utility programs and property management…learn more

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January 2021


Hitachi Announces Accelerated Partnering and Distribution for PACE AI

We’re thrilled with our accelerating strategic partnership with Hitachi, as we work together to create new solutions in Smart Buildings, Smart Grid, Smart Cities, and Industrial IoT.

Check out this press release by Hitachi High-Tech America, Inc…view full article

View PACE AI’s solution information, specifications, and case summaries, on the Hitachi website…view website

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