
Articles & News


October 2021


27% Energy and Carbon Reductions with Utility Rebate, Guarantee and Real-Time Tracking for Hitachi Industrial Plant

PACE AI recently delivered 27% HVAC cooling savings for a Hitachi manufacturing plant in the Midwest U.S. The 27% AI/ML reductions, in both cooling kWh and electric cost and in greenhouse gas impact, were achieved complementary with and additive to the plant’s existing building automation system, and with the same or better HVAC comfort and performance — both, typical of PACE AI.

Even better, utility rebates bring the full project ROI (as simple payback) to 2 years (IRR of 40%+), and with a 3 year savings warranty backed by a global insurance company.  And PACE AI edge+cloud monitoring also allows for easy tracking of carbon impacts, in future programs.

The project is part of a multi-phased application of PACE AI for the division, to include plant-floor manufacturing as well as other IIoT applications.

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September 2021


Master Service Agreement Signed with Sparkfund

PACE is pleased to have entered into a Master Service Agreement with Sparkfund, a leading climate-focused U.S. energy and smart building company.  The Sparkfund Platform™ provides As-A-Service energy efficiency, smart grid, water conservation, and other solutions to Sparkfund’s customers, with 2,000 projects completed to date in 43 states. Learn more here.

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August 2021


Hitachi Joins As Principal Partner for International Climate Change Summit (COP26), Glasgow, Nov. 2021

We are proud of our strategic partner Hitachi, Ltd. for enlisting as a Principal Partner in the upcoming International Climate Change Summit (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland.  The global conference will run from November 1-12, 2021, and with last week’s release of a dire IPCC update on climate change acceleration, which U.N. Secretary General António Guterres called a “code red for humanity”, worldwide action on carbon reduction and climate change mitigation has never been more important.

In Hitachi’s Social Innovation vision, low-carbon and resource-efficient innovations are a top priority.  And with its worldwide operations and offerings in advanced manufacturing, infrastructure, and electric grid operations, Hitachi is uniquely positioned for impact.

As Alistair Dormer, Chief Environmental Officer of Hitachi, Ltd., stated:  “Partnering with COP26 and playing our role in tackling climate change is a source of great pride for Hitachi. We are actively orienting our business towards the sustainable technology of the future. We see IT, Smart Energy, Industry and Mobility as having a major role to play in decarbonisation and believe we can use our many businesses and the power of digital innovation, to help governments, cities and businesses reduce their environmental impact.”  Learn more about COP26 here.

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July 2021


Pay As You Save® – A New and Improved Model for Energy $$ Savings, $0 Upfront

It’s the oldest story in getting energy savings — I want the cash flow and the carbon reductions, but how do I pay for it?

For big commercial properties and for the “MUSH” sector (Municipal/State, Universities, Schools and Hospitals), multi-year Energy Savings Performance Contracts (“ESPC”)  and more recently, Efficiency as a Service (“EaaS”) structures have provided zero-upfront-cost ways to get to positive cash flow quickly from energy efficiency projects.

But there’s been a big and largely unmet need for these no-money-down structures for Small-Medium Commercial buildings and, even more importantly, for the residential sector.  The U.S. has over 83 million single-family detached homes, and many, many of those homes, plus multi-family and small commercial buildings, could achieve 20%-50%+ annual reductions in their energy bills within 2-3 weeks, with the right kinds of projects.

Our PACE AI partner Liberty Homes, with a founding team of U.S. Department of Energy veterans, is answering this need with its innovative Pay As You Save® (PAYS) structure.  PAYS not only pays 100% upfront for energy efficiency and demand reduction projects, but also gets you the verification of your savings via metered data.  Major utilities and electric cooperatives across America are adapting PAYS into their customer offerings — contact us to learn more.

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June 2021


New Combined Water+Energy Saving Initiatives with Hitachi

We’re excited to be advancing the applications of PACE AI with Hitachi, in a critical area of need in this era of climate change: water conservation in irrigation and in water and wastewater municipal operations.  Especially given this summer’s searing heat across much of the U.S., applying smart technology in water conservation has seldom been more important.

California has recognized that the old power industry saying that “you need water to make electricity and electricity to make water” is still true, as this Los Angeles Times article talks about in reviewing statewide programs in combined water/energy conservation: https://www.latimes.com/environment/newsletter/2021-03-04/want-to-save-energy-and-fight-climate-change-try-using-less-water-boiling-point

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May 2021


White House: Biden Administration Accelerates Building Efficiency and Clean Jobs Programs

More on the Biden Administration’s push on renewing infrastructure across the U.S., including the American Jobs Plan, which “promises to build, rehabilitate, and retrofit more than two million homes across the country while also improving our nation’s federal facilities”…view full article

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Partnering with Global M2M Connectivity Provider

As we’ve continued to pursue our expanding product development with global partners, it became clear to us that we needed an equally global resource for our M2M cellular connectivity, so that we could deliver IoT connectivity anywhere in the world.  After working with our Verizon Open Development team, we’re very pleased to have reached agreement with a great global M2M partner. So If you’ve got gateway and smart node needs from Montreal to  Malaysia, we’ll get you what you need! Contact Us

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April 2021


PACE AI Industrial IoT Project Completed for Steel Castings Foundry

Industrial IoT is a great application for PACE AI’s edge+cloud flexibility, and industrial process heating and cooling equipment for manufacturing, in particular holds high potential for energy and operating cost savings. Working with our partners at Hitachi as part of an ongoing co-development program series, PACE AI was recently applied to 4,000 kW electric arc furnace and other equipment, at work in a steel castings foundry. This allowed new data flow to be integrated into a common operating dashboard, with renewed insights into foundry operations.

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March 2021


PACE AI Adds 20%+ Savings Insurance Warranty Option for Project Partners

PACE AI has reliably delivered 20%-30%+ HVACR energy efficiency optimization cost savings over years of operations. It’s a safe bet! And after a formal due diligence process, a major insurance company agrees, and is providing a multi-year 20%+ saving warranty, as an option for any PACE AI project.

So when you do a PACE AI project, you can include the assurance that you will reduce your HVACR energy costs by 20%+, over 3 to 7 years (other terms are possible) — simple as that! And other energy measures can be bundled, in, too.
Contact us for details

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February 2021


National Academies: Electric Grid of the Future Should Prioritize Sustainability, Resiliency, Equity, Reliability, and Security

Coming after the 2020 rolling blackouts in California and the 2021 Texas winter store outages, this report to the U.S. Congress by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine outlines important near-term steps for grid resilience and security…learn more

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